Health & Safety
Statement of Intent
Flying Dove Theatre is committed to protecting the heath and safety of its employees, volunteers and its participants. Our health and safety policy exists to:
Prevent accidents and ill health
Manage health and safety risks
Share knowledge and training so that all staff are aware of potential risks and how these will be managed
Have a First Aid Kit to hand
Maintain safe and healthy conditions
Implement emergency procedures, including in case of a fire or other significant incident
Review and revise this policy regularly
Responsibilities for health and safety
Overall and final responsibility for healthy and safety:
Daniella Sanderson
Ashley Summerhayes
Day to Day Responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice:
Daniella Sanderson
To ensure health and safety standards are maintained/improved, the following people have responsibility in the following areas:
Daniella Sanderson & Ashley Summerhayes - Safety, risk assessments, first aid and ill health.
Monitoring accident and ill health investigation, emergency procedures, fire and evacuation
All staff members & volunteers should:
Co-operate on health and safety matters
Take reasonable care of their own health and safety
Report all health and safety concerns to the appropriate person
Arrangements for Health and Safety
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment in place and appropriate action taken
Review of risk assessments when working habits or conditions change
Training & Practical Notes
Staff to be First Aid Trained
Ensuring all staff members are aware of any children with allergies/medical conditions/access requirements
Emergency contact details for parents/guardians easily available
First Aid Kit always on site
First Aid Record Book to be used and a copy given to parents
Using appropriate safety signs
Making sure the hall/space for classes is clear and there are no trip hazards
We will consult on health and safety matters as they arise and formally review health and safety policies
We will make sure escape routes and signs are kept clear at all times
Evacuation plans are clear to all staff and participants