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Privacy Policy

Fair Processing Notice (Privacy Policy & GDPR Compliance)

Data Consent Policy

Flying Dove Theatre is committed to obtaining consent that is clear and freely given by the individual. We will ensure that individuals are aware of what personal information the business is collecting and how it will be used with explicit and clear consent. This also includes data collection and permission for sign up newsletters and promotions.

Transparent Data Storage – Data Storage, Security & Confidentiality

Flying Dove Theatre will ensure all data is secured and protected. Data will be password protected and secure. The website will have SSL. Data will only be accessible to Flying Dove Theatre Staff. Data will be treated confidentially and only shared with the necessary persons at Flying Dove Theatre and with consent from the individual. Flying Dove Theatre is aware that data is at its most vulnerable when it is moved therefore limits are in place in how data is taken out of the business and will only be done in a secure and safe way to protect data and prevent it from becoming lost or stolen.

Disposing of Old Data

GDPR stipulates that data can only be kept for as long as needed. When no longer in use, it must be deleted. Flying Dove Theatre will only hold necessary data from customers for as short a time as possible. We will not stockpile data or hold databases with old customer data.

Action Plan in the event of a Data Breach

In the event of a data breach, Flying Dove Theatre is aware of its responsibility to report this to the Information commissioner's office (ICO) within 72 hours of the breach. This includes if data is stolen or lost by the company. Flying Dove Theatre will ensure all data is password protected reducing the risk in the event of such items being lost or stolen.

Data Protection Officer

Flying Dove Theatre’s Data Protection Officer is Ashley Summerhayes. Ashley is responsible for data and GDPR compliance and ensures the company meets regulations.

Training Staff on Data Handling

Staff will be trained and informed on how to respond in the event of a data breach. Any data breach will be reported to the ICO within 72 hours of it happening. The report will detail how the breach occurred, what is being done to contain it and the next steps of the business plans. Only the necessary staff will have access to data.

Subject Access Request Plan (SAR)

Flying Dove Theatre understands that individuals reserve the right to request a SAR at any time and Flying Dove Theatre understands the 30 day time limit for the completion of this. Flying Dove Theatre is also aware of requests for individuals to check and/or change the data on storage and checks for accuracy of data stored.

Data Processing Notices

Flying Dove Theatre will ensure the Fair Processing Notice is displayed on the website with information on how data is captured, processed, and stored and how an individual can request access to it via a SAR. Steps will be taken to ensure that any time data is collected, a link or details of the FPN are available so that individuals can understand how the business will use their data.

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